So Oni-con 2010 was
I took a day off from work so I could go to Oni-con on Friday and Saturday. Jordan and I left for Houston on Thursday afternoon after work (I totally left kind of early even though I probably shouldn't have, so that we would be there in time to get our pre-registration badges). The drive was about 3.5 hours through a fairly lovely countryside :) If you ever decide to drive from Austin to Houston, you should do it in the late afternoon, so that you see the scenic drive in the sunlight, at sunset, and then at night :3
I'll have to say upfront that the best part of the weekend was that I got to see Tiffy ^___^ and my favorite part was getting to catch up with Christine! :P
So we got there and picked Tiffy up, then drove to the hotel where the con was at. This year's con was at the Houston Marriott Westchase, not too far from where we were staying. It looked kind of ghetto on the outside when we had driven past it before (well, it was in the dark, so I guess I'm just bad at estimating ghetto-ness of a place in the dark), but it was actually really pretty! We waited in line for about an hour to get our badges. (By the way, if you haven't been to a con, be warned -- for some reason, nobody knows anything and they're all really slow, so it takes a really long time to get your badge and if you don't know where to go for something, asking doesn't help. They're all volunteers, so can't expect too much.) yeah i think we just need to get used to this now -_-
After that, we met up with one of Tiffy's new friends from Rice, Steve, and went to have dinner at the House of Pies. It's a nice diner that has breakfast and lunch foods and is open 24 hours... and apparently it has amazing pie. I'll let Tiffy talk about that XP
House of Pies is amaaaaazing :) besides that fact that it's open 24 hours in case you get the late night munchies , their food is reasonably priced and desserts are so good XD my fave? apple pie (or dutch apple pie) a la mode
The next day, Friday, was the first day of the convention. Tiffy and I got up and got ready at a much more leisurely pace than A-Kon, since the con actually started at 12 PM and there weren't too many events. For some reason, I take forever and ever to get ready =w=;;; We did BlazBlue again, because we didn't get around to making our Advent Children costumes XD;
New additions to the cosplay:
- Tiffy's awesome Bolverk guns :D they're not that awesome lol but i'll put up a final progress report soon :)
- My slightly less evil new wig
- Tiffy's new green contacts
- I put on fake eyelashes that apparently made the red contacts even more noticeable o_o;
Yeah, not much aside from Noel's guns. >__>; No, I didn't make Nago and Gii. I am lazy. Stuffed animals are hard.
Yeah, Tiffy got hit on in the parking lot as we were still completing our costumes XD Noel is a very popular character, it seems.
Since the convention was so small, we didn't get bombarded nearly as much as A-Kon, so we actually made it through the dealers' room on Friday ^w^ We wanted to stay for the opening ceremony, but like at A-Kon, the volunteers don't really know much, so we had no idea where it was. On Saturday, there were a LOT more people, and we even saw another Rachel/Noel set. Ran and Wei dressed as Hazama and Carl again, and Faruk came as Masa from Seto no Hanayome:
Faruk doing an awesome cosplay of Masa! Photo courtesy of Huan.
We got some nice pictures of some pretty good cosplayers, but like Tiffy said, it was a lot more relaxed than A-Kon, so there were proportionally not as many people cosplaying. There was one guy, Michael, who actually remembered us from A-Kon and took another picture of us XD I chatted with him a bit near the end of the day on Saturday while I waited for the boys to get out of the maid cafe, and he's a hardcore anime convention goer. Pretty nice guy.
Cute... bear thing! (I'm sure I should know where this one comes from, but it's super cute~)
I think this is supposed to be Kuroshitsuji mixed with Alice in Wonderland :D
ZACK! 8D I need one for A-Kon XD
Awesome Jack Sparrow. He even had the speech and crazy hand gestures down.
No idea who these people are, but they looked like a cool group~ Any idea who these people are?
Madame Red!
This is the awesome guy who played Jet at A-Kon. I have no idea who he was playing here, but he was still awesome XD
Cute Mario family :)
Saturday night, we met up with some of Tiffy's Rice friends for dinner, and then we headed to Rice's Halloween party for a while. Tiffy dressed as a magician, and I went as a generic school girl. We got to wear our new wigs from ImageAnime, though :D (They are STILL amazing, btw.) Most of the boys went in a white shirt and black tie or something similar. I think they were trying to go for mafia, but I guess they decided they'd be more convincing as a K-Pop band XD Steve went as a 1920's guy, and Angela as a cute fairy :) I didn't realize how "stand around and do nothing" parties are, but it was fun to just chat with everyone, and they had a funny costume contest XD
I can't wait for A-kon 22 next year though! Christine and I are going (trying very very very hard) to finish FFVII AC Aeris and Tifa as well as Kuroshitsuji Ciel and Grell. Hopefully we can get a huge group to go and maybe cosplay *fingers crossed*. if anyone out there reading would like to join us, that'd be awesome :D
Yeah, definitely let us know if you want to join us! It'd be awesome if we got a group :)
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