Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer's here!

Christine, i'm hereeeee! i'm now some salmon pink color because wei says yellow is un-readable lol
Yellow is perfectly readable, his eyes are just old~ But okay XP Actually if you want to go to a color chart and pick a color, we can just use a special color with the HTML :3

i spent the day at the "beach". for anyone who has never been to're not missing much :P between the brown saltwater, mounds of seaweed and nearby oil processing plants, Galveston hardly constitutes as a beach lol (i tried to find an ugly picture but can't find one haha don't trust google images)

on the plus side, lounging under blue skies is nice :D we'll have fun at some real beaches when you come visit me in cali!
Yay beaches :3

florida in 3 days :) then costume like crazy....hopefully i don't darken too much to pass off as a blonde white girl lol

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